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How accurate are do-it-yourself (DIY) radon test kits?

Very accurate
Somewhat accurate
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Question: How accurate are do-it-yourself (DIY) radon test kits?
Top Answer (75% of 16 votes): Somewhat accurate.

Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: DIY radon test kits are perfectly fine for getting an initial idea of potential radon in your home. We recommend having a professional test done before making mitigation decisions.
Monarch Radon Testing
Answer: Very accurate
Explanation: Testing your home for radon is easy and can be very accurate by following instructions. You can do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. • Get a radon test kit. You can get an affordable kit from a hardware store. Or you can order one by calling 1-800-SOS-RADON (1-800-767-7236) or going to the National Radon Program Services website (http://sosradon.org/test-kits). • Set up the testing device to check the air for radon. Depending on the type of test, it may take just a few days or many months to finish the test. • Send the device to a lab and wait for the results. If your test results show a radon level of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) or higher, test your home again. If the second test is also high, you need to fix the problem. [Reference: Test Your Home for Radon - Centers for Disease Control https://www.cdc.gov › radon_fact_sheet
Dean Schurger, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH© 1990-2018)
Answer: Very accurate
Explanation: Air Check is a very reliable test. The state of MN 'spikes' hundreds evey year...sending them to a radon chamber to expose the test to a known level of radon.
Minnesota Mold Inspection, LLC
Answer: Very accurate
Explanation: The kits you can purchase at local big box stores work pretty good. They take weeks to get the results back to you so if you want it for a real estate transaction give me a call. My equipment gives you an accurate reading within 48 hours.
Four County Home Inspection Service, LLC
Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: The answer here depends on the conditions in the home and if the proper testing procedures are followed.
InFocus Inspection
Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: DIY kits are typically a charcoal canister which is sent to a lab for readings. We us CRM's (continous radon monitors) to test with. They take a reading every hour and have anti-tampering sensors.
Worsley Inspections LLC
Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: You get what you pay for.
Total Check-Up Inspections
Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: Home test kits can be accurate if performed properly under close home conditions.
Norton Inspection Services
Answer: Somewhat accurate
Explanation: Proper training is required to get a reliable radon measurement.
Spire Home Inspection
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